🦥 About Me

Hi, I am Bonan Ruan (阮博男). Currently, I am a Ph.D. student (advised by Prof. Zhenkai Liang) in CURIOSITY research group at NUS. I received my Master of Computing degree from NUS, and B.E. degree in Information Security (advised by Prof. Zhijun Ding) at the Tongji University. During the undergraduate time, I had two extra special semesters on German.

My research interest lies in the interactions of system security, program analysis, and AI for security. Currently I focus on vulnerability-related topics.

🌋 Publications

[Preprint] VulZoo: A Comprehensive Vulnerability Intelligence Dataset

Bonan Ruan, Jiahao Liu, Weibo Zhao, Zhenkai Liang

Paper | Code

[RAID 2024] KernJC: Automated Vulnerable Environment Generation for Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities

Bonan Ruan, Jiahao Liu, Chuqi Zhang, Zhenkai Liang

In 27th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses [Acceptance Rate: 25%]

Paper | Code

[TPS-ISA 2021] Security Challenges in the Container Cloud

Yutian Yang, Wenbo Shen, Bonan Ruan, Wenmao Liu, Kui Ren

In 2021 Third IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications


🎮 Books



ISBN: 9787111691839 机械工业出版社 2021


🛢️ Patents

一种用于处理安全事件的方法、装置、介质及计算机设备 CN111835768A

一种编排微场景剧本的方法、服务器、介质及计算机设备 CN111831275A

一种入侵检测方法及装置 CN112153049A

🎸 Talks

[KCon 2022黑客大会] 进退维谷:runC的阿克琉斯之踵

Slides | WP

[OID Asia 2021] Metarget: Auto-construction of Vulnerable Cloud Native Infrastructure

Video | Slides | WP | Code

[CIS 2020网络安全创新大会] k0otkit:针对K8s集群的通用后渗透控制技术

Slides | WP | Code

🗺️ Education

[Jan. 2024 ~ present] Ph.D. in Computer Science, National University of Singapore

[Aug. 2022 ~ Jan. 2024] Master of Computing, National University of Singapore

[Sep. 2014 ~ Jun. 2019] Bachelor in Information Security, Tongji University

🚂 Work Experience

[Jul. 2019 ~ Jul. 2022] Security Researcher, XingYun Lab, NSFOCUS

[Mar. 2019 ~ Jun. 2019] (Intern) Security Researcher, XingYun Lab, NSFOCUS

[Jul. 2017 ~ Aug. 2017] (Intern) Software Development Engineer, NFV Lab, HUAWEI

🛞 Awards

NUS Research Scholarship

Black Hat Asia 2023, Student Scholarship
